The people of Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church are called to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to everyone inside and outside of the doors of our church. Whether you are new to church or have been here a while, our 5-fold goal will always be to:
Lead you to membership in His family,
Develop you to Christ-like maturity,
Equip you for your ministry in the church,
Lead you to discover your life mission in the world,
And as we do this, we will magnify the name of the Lord.
Come join us for our weekly services:
Sunday School in-person 9:00am
Intercessory Prayer in-person 10:00am
Worship Service in-person and online 10:25am
Bible Study in-person and online 12 noon
Our Church Staff

Rose Olivet Church Members Circa 1978
Cornerstone Missionary Baptist Church is the product of a merger of two churches, Concord Missionary Baptist Church and Rose Olivet Missionary Baptist Church. Each church brought rich histories, with many achievements in their singular existence, but has now been joined together by divine providence for a common future, to carry out a common vision. Our vision is to move forward to achieve harmony, hope and healing on the foundation of a great heritage.
Webster defines a cornerstone as the stone at the corner of a building, uniting two intersecting walls. It also defines it as the indispensable and fundamental basis of something. The bible gives one solid definition of the word “cornerstone,” found in Ephesians 2:20-22, which we have adopted as our fundamental basis for existence-that is Christ Jesus. “Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus, being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you are also built into it for a dwelling place of God in the spirit.”
Rose Olivet Male Chorus
Concord Missionary Baptist Church and Rose Olivet Missionary Baptist Church were well established in the Bayview/Hunters Point and Visitation Valley communities and each faced its own unique set of challenges. But, with grace and guidance from God, the vision and leadership of Pastor Kenneth R. Reece, and the faith of the combined memberships, they were bought together as one body on June 11, 2000.
This merger provided us with the opportunity to modify and adopt a general theme given to Pastor Reece by God: “Building a Bridge for A Better Tomorrow with a Vision for Changing Lives Through Healing, Hope and Harmony.” It provided us with the ability to start fresh with our hope and trust in God for direction. We’ve changed our name as a sign of unity and strength.
Pastor Reece was a faithful leader for more than 20 years. He led Cornerstone in ministry until September 27, 2020, including overseeing the pastoral transition team in finding a new pastor. On September 22, 2020, Dr. Rodney Leggett was called to be the pastor of Cornerstone.
The Lord has increased our membership, allowed us to successfully implement new ministries, established prayer meeting and Bible studies on Wednesdays for adults and children, hosted California State and District events, and hosted the City-Wide and Ministers Conference Revivals. Our membership continues to grow, not only numerically, but spiritually. To God be the glory! We will continue to allow God to build us as He gives healing, hope and harmony to our lives and the community in which we live, work and serve.
Rose Olivet Church Building (destroyed by fire in 1995), 2428 Bayshore Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94134
The late Pastor T.A. Arterberry, his successor Pastor George Reed, and Rev. Allen